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Shira's Eulogy in English (granddaughter)


As a religious girl in this country, I have participated in plenty of seminars and have been asked many times who my heroes are. You have always been at the top of my list.

Back in high school, I interviewed you for a project I needed to write, about the meaning of life. Naturally, in a way that is so typical of you, the first words out of your mouth were a D'var Torah. You said- Chazal tell us "Kol yisrael arevim zeh la'zeh" - Am Yisrael are responsible for one another. In the prayer for Kidush Ha'chodesh it says- "Chaverim kol Yisrael" – all Yisrael are friends. In Hebrew, the words 'friends', and 'responsible' rhyme. This rhyme allows us to make a connection between these words. When we help each other, when we take responsibility on one another, we build a friendship.

These two aspects, friendship and responsibility, are two characteristics that define you so well, Savta.

You always take responsibility over any situation. You never let things just happen. As long as there is something you can try and do to make it even better--you do it.

this was apparent in the small things- like pre-checking all the clothing stores before you took me shopping, in order to find out which stores are selling things to my taste, just to make the trip that much more fun and convenient for me.

And of course in more serious situations-- when you were sick and tried to take care of yourself as much as possible, so as not to be a burden on any of us. That said, you also knew when to take responsibility and ask for help when you really needed it.

I think though, that the most inspiring to me, what made me admire you the most, was the responsibility you took over your outlook on life. No matter the situation, no matter what decision you made, you were always able to see the good outcome.

Not too long ago, I came to help you pack in preparation of your move to your current apartment. While packing, we came across a magazine with an article all about you. You proudly showed me how you were a pioneer of the working mothers movement. Not only were you a religiously observant woman, you had studied at Harvard, worked at a prestigious company, and on top of all that – you were a mother!

This concept was so new that the picture the magazine chose to print was of you all dressed up for work driving your kids carpool.

You showed me this article and said, "you see, there, I was somebody. Here, I am nobody"

And in that same breath you looked at me and continued and there is no decision I made that I am happier about than the decision to make Aliya. I belong here. When I lived there, I thought my responsibility amounted to the fact that I supported Israel, and donated money to the right organizations. But after moving here, I realized how that is not enough. I understood why it is so important to actually live here. It is my responsibility- as part of the Jewish nation to live in Eretz Israel.

Towards the end, you didn’t want us to see you too often. You were scared we would remember you as a sick and weak grandmother.

No need to worry Savta.

We will always remember you as the grandmother who spoiled us. The one who woke up early, to prepare pancakes, or French toast for breakfast when we spent the night.

The smiling grandmother, who came to visit every single Sunday, with snacks and all sorts of surprises.

The grandmother who took us to the movies, to the beach and the pool.

The grandmother who let us watch unlimited TV.

The grandmother that made the best pies in the country.

The grandmother that there is always something to talk to her about, and who always has time for us.

This is how we remember you Savta. We promise.

Already missing you so much,

Your loving grandchildren.

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